iBet you're tired of the lockdown too.
After lazing😴 around for a couple of weeks thinking what I should write in this lockdown season, I finaly got off my lazy butt and scribbled something down. It's not about a nose mask though.😀 First of all, I never thought I would be saying this but "Damn! I miss school". I miss the noise of kids running after each other, slamming doors, spilling drinks, babies crying, stumping of boots during morning assembly march, shouts of teachers trying to get pupil's attention, drumming of tables, pupils shouting their notes during music lessons, pupils cheering their team mates during games... I could go on and on. "Sometimes you will never know the true value of a moment until it becomes a memory" - unknown. Now more than ever, I feel the void anytime I wake up and I can't go to work because school has been shutdown indefinitely. There were days I would dread going to school. All I thought was "this teacher life isn't for me". Today, the ...